Thursday, January 28, 2010


There's no denying it- this blog is pretty much dead. Partly, because there really haven't been any 'continuous' posts for quite sometime... just things I managed to publish inspite (and as a result) of a major Kreative-Truth Block. And to a certain extent because of the dwindling readership. I'm sure the reason's my recurring bouts of (in)sanity that lead me to proclaim that I'll be shutting down the blog forever, thus, driving away whatever exiguous number of readers it had(well in reality, i cant...coz blogging is mixing slowly in my blood!!). Yet, there are people who have made their presence felt and if the blog's alive the credit goes to them! Thank you!
One of the most consistent readers here are Anshul Sir n Alok Sir who recently awarded words of appreciation to my writing skills.. As the policy goes, "the award by default goes to anyone who drops a nice comment" LOLZZ.. That, technically, makes me a recipient of the award.. Genuine praise can be conveyed through mere words. Blogosphere encourages distinct talents. No two bloggers can be compared then why distinguish? Everyone deserves an award! And so, I take it upon myself to forward this to every blogger who visits this page, comment or no comment! (Hey so who's more generous now? :P)
Now that we're done with the award policy crap, lets come to the point.Apart from appreciation, my friends have tagged me as well. Now, I'm supposed to write down 5 random things about myself. For anyone who knows me knows that I take pride in calling myself the epitome of randomness so no wonder I grabbed the opportunity as soon as I laid my eyes on it. :D

1) I have a habit of breaking into a rendition of humu-humu-nuku-nuku-apua'a by Ashley Tisdale just to bug people around me. :D

2) I get easily bored. Things, places, people, food... you name it, it bores me. I need to keep up the excitement factor somehow... meet new people, visit new places, etc.But that isn't exactly possible when you're an! A broke future engineer! Oh no! A broke would be engineer whose life revolves around hostel and college and politics and crappy food in mess. (and don't tell me that I have so much opportunity to at least meet new people if not anything else. Trust me, I've tried.)

3) I carry two phones. One, for the sole purpose of RECEIVING calls from home...BSNL..every 'would be engineer's PAPA' would love...20p calling... [:P], the other to make calls and important n unimportant n nuisance messaging to my friends in NCR. One of them has got a QWERTY. The funny thing is that the one that has the QWERTY isn't the one I use for messaging :P

4) I'm pretty good at shutting people out of my life. No, not literally but more like shutting my mind to them. Once they've lost their rapport with me, once I've lost all respect for them there's just no way they can gain it back. Nope. Never. I'm darned good at growing indifferent to things. I can force myself to do it. (There's one girl Kanika Tripathi in EEE who got a taste of it recently when i PUNCHED her hard accompanied with a 'freelance kick'WITH REEBOK SHOES in front of 'BOYS HOSTEL' and I'm sure she was scared enough to not make me do it in future *evil laugh*!! AND DONT MISS THE BEST PART...SHE WAS WITH HER BF...N HE WAS HELPLESS...)

(It's been 10 minutes and I just can't think of a 5th thing. I've been repeatedly checking my phone for a call that'll never come. Life sucks!)

5) Oh yes! YES YES YES! Life sucks! "Life Sucks!"... I say that at least187 times a day. It's my motto. Gee!

So there! I'm done with my tag. Although now I can think of another 50 random things. It's weird. You can never remember anything when you want to write about it but once you drop the idea of writing it all comes flooding your mind like anything. And before I ramble on and into another tag, I'll take leave so as not to lose the ikka-dukka readers this blog knows. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention :).. nicely written as usual.. u keep on writing such good stuff.. readers wil find way on their own.. n hey u shud hv shot a video of that action scene of urs :P.. mus hv been damn funny (i'm being evil nw)...
